August Newsletter 

August Newsletter 

In this month’s Coldwell Banker newsletter, we have put together a broad choice of articles looking at the property market and how to really utilise the increase in property activity, for buyers, sellers and Landlords. We also have some summer hacks which should provide an beneficial read - we hope you enjoy.

St Patrick’s Parade 

Join us on our annual parade through the streets of London to celebrate all things Irish!
Sunday, March 15, 2020 at 12 PM

Click here to read St Patrick’s Parade .

Sell Your House, Step By Step

Are you looking to sell? Sometimes it’s hard knowing where exactly to start. Our step by step guide might look like a lot of information but it can really be a good reference point to help you during this process.

1. Work on your finances
With our mortgage valuation tool you can get an estimate of your property's worth.

2. Choose your estate agent
You have options. Sell yourself or use local or online estate agents.
Do some research, compare estate agents by how quick they sell, how close they get to the asking price and how successful they are.
Agree on a fee, aim for 1% plus VAT for sole agent.

3. Get an energy performance certificate
You will need one to provide to potential buyers.

4. Decide how much
Get to know your local market as this will help you decide.
Get several valuations. You don’t need to go with the highest either.
Buyers like to negotiate so add a 5% or 10% to what you’re willing to accept.

5. Get a conveyancing solicitor
They handle the legal work.
Get an overview of how much conveyancing costs.

6. Fill out your paperwork
There is going to be a lot of it!

7. Accept an offer!
Congratulations, the estate agents legally must now pass all offers over to you.
Once you’re happy with the offer, formally accept.

8. Work on your draft contract
You and the buyer will have to negotiate-
• The length of time between exchange and completion.
• What fixtures and fittings will be including, and if they have a cost attached?
• Any survey discounts.

9. Contracts get exchanged
This is the process when you become legally committed to selling your property, and they become legally committed to buying from you.
When you sell the house, you are responsible for maintaining the property until the sale is fully complete.

10. Move out
It is less stressful to move out before the day of completion if possible.
Completion is when the property changes ownership. Once the keys have been handed over.

11. Pay of your mortgage
The mortgage company will have given you and the solicitor and outstanding amount for the day of completion.
Now the buyer has transferred the money that will essentially pay off the mortgage for you.

12. Settle with everyone
Once completion has been finalised, your conveyance solicitor will send you an overview covering all their costs, as well as outing the sale price.
If you’re buying and selling at the time, you can settle for both transactions at the same time.
There can sometimes be a small discrepancy and you may even get a little refund.

The Right Survey Could Save Money

Buying a house can be an incredibly tense and stressful time. Falling in love with a property but not knowing how it is going to play out is often the situation for most buyers. Imagine falling in love with a beautiful Victorian house only to find out later down the line that there are major issues with the roof and require thousands of pounds worth of construction work. You would rather know this sooner rather than later. Getting the right survey could save you this stress but also a lot of money.

According to a study by Hillary, an interior specialist, more than two thirds of Britons don’t know what property surveys are available, never mind which ones are best. And it is leaving us around £3000 out of pocket from repairs, which isn’t ideal for anybody, never mind someone who has just bought a house. That money could be spent on something so much more worthwhile.

The study also asked 2,056 new British homeowners all about their buying experiences.

54% of people had uncertainty during the whole buying process,
62% didn’t know what surveys were available,
79% thought that one survey covered everything, and that isn’t the case.

What are the different survey options?

Home condition report, at around £250: This is the more basic and cheaper option. It is quite a short, surface level inspection that highlights the obvious defects. This report is good for someone whose property appears to be in good condition but would still benefit from being checked for hidden damp or structural movements.

Homebuyers report, at around £300: This survey is more suited for Victoria aged properties. This will mirror the home condition report but will include advice and maybe an independent valuation of the building. If after the report, the value given is less than what you offered, don’t worry. This doesn’t mean you should pull out of the sale. Speak with your surveyor about the potential problems and how much it will likely cost. Try and use this information to negotiate the price down. If the seller won’t budge, you then need to make the decision to proceed or withdraw; depending on the cost. Your surveyor will have experience with similar circumstances so use them to help you.

Building survey, at around £500: If you’re investing in a much older property then this survey is vital for you. It is also worth noting that if you’re planning on doing any construction work such as loft conversions or extensions then this one applies for you too. This survey looks in detail at the condition, defects and the possibility of extending. The surveyor will also be able to provide a cost of how to rectify any problems listed.

Another recommended report is a gas and electric survey. This is vital for properties older than 25 years and if there are bare wires visible. It is even more important if you are planning on renting the property out as you will legally need to provide these safety certificates.

You’re probably thinking all these extra costs sound intimidating, but just think it could seem a lot now, but in the long run it is the more cost-effective option.

How To Keep Your BBQ Clean All Summer Long

With the sun finally making an appearance, BBQs will be the order of the day for plenty of us, especially after the lockdown period where a lot of time was spent indoors. However, if your BBQ hasn’t been used since last summer or you forgot to clean it after filling up on delightful treats the last time that you used it then giving it a good clean will be required. Here are a few tips to make the task as simple and effective as possible.
Keep It Hot
The best time to clean your BBQ is when it is hot, as the heat itself will help to burn away a lot of stubborn food remnants. It goes without saying that you must be as careful as possible when cleaning your hot BBQ, but ensure that you are wearing gloves as a minimum precaution. With the BBQ hot, you can scrape away any grime that is present and once completed and the coals are cooled slightly, you can soak old newspaper in water and cover the grill with this – effectively steaming the BBQ clean.
Elbow Grease
There’s no substitute for elbow grease! Giving the BBQ a scrub using hard bristled brushed and scourers will help to get everything clean once more. Once you have given everything a thorough scrub, use dishwater and a cloth to remove any residue left over.
Polishing The Exterior
Now that you have cleaned the grill and the interior is looking as good as new, it is time to tackle the exterior. Use warm, soapy water to clean the exterior of your BBQ and once dry you can buff with a dry cloth in order to achieve a better finish. To protect your BBQ from the elements, a top tip is to lightly coat it with mineral or baby oil as this will help to shield it from mother nature.
Keeping It Clean
The next time you use your BBQ, to make the cleaning process easier, then coat your grill with sunflower oil as it will prevent food from sticking and the grill from going rust. 

How Landlords Avoid Void Periods

All landlords at some point will experience the unfortunate situation of having void periods, hopefully not for any protracted periods. Read a few our tips which could help you to avoid these situations, or at least reduce them to a minimum.

Do your research
One of the easiest ways to avoid long void periods for your property is to ensure that you have the right tenant in your property in the first place. Having a tenant in your property who is suitable and can afford the requisite rent will, of course, reduce any headaches for you later down the line. Ensure that you agent has properly referenced tenants, and if at all possible, try to meet prospective tenants to establish a good relationship from the outset.

Short term vs. long term
As well as researching your tenants, investigating the area that you are letting your property within to ensure that you are asking for a fair price will also help you to side-step any void periods. A keenly priced property will attract more applicants, giving you a greater choice of tenants. It is important to keep in mind here that offering a more competitive rental price could lead to longer tenancies, therefore finding the balance is imperative for any landlord.

Property inspections
Regularly inspecting your property can be a good way to build up further rapport with the tenant if you are managing a property yourself, and allows you to ensure that it is in a good condition. This can benefit you in multiple ways; firstly, it helps to ensure that your property is of a nice standard for the current tenant, as well as meaning you don’t have to waste any time should your tenant move out and you want to bring your property to market immediately.

Find the right agent
With the raft of new legislation which has come into place in the lettings industry, having a well-informed and proactive estate agent has never been more important. Employing an agent on a fully-managed service will take many of the responsibilities out of your hands as a landlord and with the superior marketing available, as well as pools of applicants who are tried and tested, the most straightforward way to reduce your void periods could be to choose your agent wisely.

The 5 Most Important Factors When Buying A Home

For many of us, when we decide to move to a new home there will be many factors to consider, which can range from new work commitments, to growing family needs or simply the need for better quality of life. A new survey from Broadband Choices has discovered the five key reasons as to why people select a location for their new home, which could form a useful list for current house-hunters.


Safety First

Whether you’re staying put or moving home, crime will always remain a key concern for the majority of us and with 84% of respondents to the Broadband Choices poll listing crime as a crucial factor this still rings true. Knowing that your home and possessions are in an area with low crime rates is obviously very attractive, with low crime rates correlating to strong house prices and the converse also true.


Commuting Commotion

Getting to and from work, as well as freely being able to see friends and family, is of course extremely important when deciding where we would like to live. Amongst correspondents, nearly three-quarters mentioned transport links as one of their decision points for a location to live within. Living within close proximity to a tube station, for example, can add £42,000 to the price of a home, according to research from Nationwide.


A Quality Connection

Unsurprisingly in these modern times, a strong internet connection which will allow broadband and television streaming services such as Netflix and Amazon Prime stands at third in the list of buyer priorities when searching for a new home. With 69% of people mentioning a strong internet connection in the poll, many of whom stating that they would pay over-the-odds for a property with guaranteed superfast broadband connection, it would seem that for home-sellers updating your broadband could actually help in the process of finding a buyer.


Top Of The Class

For those with families, schools are an extremely important consideration; with catchment areas and the competition around catchments for the best schools being an important factor for both families, and those planning on families in the long term. Just over half of correspondents listed schools as a deliberation in their home buying decision, with recent studies showing that homes in catchments for schools with Ofsted ratings of 1 can cost almost £40,000 more than those with Ofsted rating 2.


Shop Local

As well as transport links ranking highly in the list of priorities for buyers, local shops and amenities also place highly with just over a third of people stating that living close to shops and amenities is a significant factor in their property search.

Top Tips For First Time Renters

If you have never rented a property before then the process can seem quite daunting, however with a little preparation and a good estate agent you can sidestep the potential confusion and focus on the excitement of finding a new property!

Here are our top tips for first time renters…


Calculate Carefully

When it comes to renting a property, it is important to calculate your costings because if you underestimate your costs per month, then this will compound over each month that you are in the property. In your calculations, include the monthly cost of the property, council tax and utility bills (include items such as broadband internet, phone line, television license and television streaming services). As a rule of thumb, it is good practice to add 10% to your estimated costs so that you have a comfortable buffer, in case they are higher than anticipated.


Picking The Perfect Property

Whether you are moving out of the family home or you are transferring from a purchased home to a rental, one thing that mustn’t be underestimated is finding the ideal property. Do your research and look at a selection of properties in different areas – you may be surprised at how much more or less property is available based on the locations that you choose. Registering your interest with us will also help to ensure that we can let you know when properties which match your criteria reach the market – this is key as the lettings market is extremely fast-moving.


Due Diligence

When you move into your property, check that the smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors installed are working correctly. Before you sign your tenancy contract, you will be asked to prove you have the right to live in the UK, so ensure that you have your passport or documents ready to hand. Once this is completed, you should be given a copy of your property’s Gas Safety Certificate, Energy Performance Certificate, the Prescribed Information and if you are entering into a new tenancy from 1st July this year then you should also be given an Electrical Safety Certificate.


Initial Inventory

The inventory is a detailed document outlining what is included in your rental property – this will of course be much more comprehensive if you are renting a furnished property over unfurnished – however is vitally important for both variants. Check that you are happy that the inventory document matches exactly with what is in the property and if there are any discrepancies be sure to make a note of this and notify your landlord or estate agent. Taking photographs and dating them before you have moved any furniture into the property is also a useful reference for when you move out of the property and could avoid any potential deposit disputes.

What Is The Green Energy Grant And How To Claim It

As part of Chancellor Rishi Sunak’s summer statement, green energy grants up to a possible £10,000 will be available from September in order to pay for green home improvements such as a new boiler, loft insulation or double glazing.

For the majority of homeowners, grants of up to £5,000 will be available but for those from low income households, this amount doubles in order for the cost of energy-efficient home improvements to be fully covered.

The Chancellor confirmed: "From September, homeowners and landlords will be able to apply for vouchers to make their homes more energy efficient and create local jobs.

"The grants will cover at least two thirds of the cost, up to £5,000 per household.

"And for low income households, we’ll go even further with vouchers covering the full cost - up to £10,000."

Measures such as loft, wall and floor insulation, double glazing, lighting, energy-efficient doors, boilers and heat pumps will all be included under the scheme, with Rishi Sunak predicting a saving a £300 per year for households who make the most of the grants.

The grant will be available from September via a Government website, yet to be launched, which will also detail an approved list of suppliers.

What Does The Stamp Duty Cut Mean For Landlords?

The buy to let sector has seen a tremendous amount of change over the past few years in order to help rebalance the property market, with key pieces of legislation such as the Tenant Fees Act and the recent Electrical Safety Standards regulations. The changes to stamp duty will go some way to reigniting the buy-to-let market and offers landlords a tremendous opportunity to make the most of the tax changes.

With the temporary increase on the stamp duty threshold to £500,000 until 31st March next year, first-time buyers and existing homeowners are set to save up to £15,000. For additional and investment properties, stamp duty is also removed up to this value, however the 3% surcharge remains.

Charlotte Nixon, mortgage expert at Quilter, believes that the changes to stamp duty could have the consequence of more investors returning to the market;

“Buy-to-let investors have left the market in their droves over the last few years after tax changes have made it an untenable investment for many. The stamp duty holiday may serve to entice some of these investors back to the market."

“Not only will this cut help to reignite the property market but also improve the supply of rental properties, which has been dwindling over the last 12 months."

Nixon is supported in her opinion by David Whittaker, Chief Executive of Keystone Property Finance who believes;

“The Chancellor’s decision to cut stamp duty will have positive implications for homebuyers across the country and will certainly help to stimulate the housing market. Importantly, this latest cut will also go some way towards providing a much-needed boost for the buy-to-let sector.”

“As a result of this measure, many portfolio landlords across the UK will now be considering new buy-to-let purchases."
The numbers can be useful to bare out the extent of the potential savings for landlords looking to increase their portfolios – before the stamp duty holiday was introduced you would have paid £26,000 in stamp duty but now that is reduced almost by half to £13,500.

If you are thinking of investing in an additional property or looking to increase your property portfolio, then making the most of the stamp duty holiday is advised – contact us today to see how we can help you.

Five Ways To Refresh Your Outdoor Space

Outdoor space has rarely been so prized as it is now, with searches for properties with gardens and patios now much higher than prior to the lockdown period. We have put together five simple and inexpensive ways that you can perk up your outdoor space, no matter how much (or indeed how little) you may have available.
  1. Create Specific Areas

An effective way to transform your outdoor space is to create specific areas within your available area. Creating a seating area with screens, a bedding area with planters and adding hanging baskets further down your garden will create real depth as well as encouraging the use of these spaces. If you have less space available, think about using furniture which can be also be used as storage as well as items which can be folded away or stacked.

  1. Lighting

Investing in lighting for your outdoor area will not only make it more attractive when the evenings set in, it will also encourage you to embrace the outdoors even when it is a little darker. Solar lighting is an affordable, effective and fuss-free way to add some ambience to your garden, patio, balcony or outdoor space – solar nets are particularly effective as the lights can be weaved through a trellis or on a fence.

  1. Pots and Planters

If your outdoor space is a small patio or balcony area then using pots and planters is a great way to add some fresh flowers and foliage, making your space much more inviting. If your property is rented, then pots and planters are also really useful as you can take them with you when you move to a new property and you do not need to dig up a garden which could cause potential disputes. If you have more space available, add some hanging baskets to create different levels of interest across your garden.

  1. Accessories

Although investing in soft furnishings and accessories can be a more pricey way to refresh your outdoor space, because the items are intended for outdoor use they tend to last longer and so can be a worthwhile investment. Bright pops of colour can be added to any size of space with cushions, beanbags, throws and adding candles to table areas will take your outdoor space to the next level.

  1. Planting

Very few things will bring the outdoors to life as much as fresh plants and flowers – over the span of summer they also work out to being fairly inexpensive. Lavender is a particularly good option due to its hard-wearing nature and the gentle scent that is emitted. You can also purchase bedding packs of plants from most supermarkets and DIY stores, making them easy to find and inexpensive.


shimmy on down and buckle up for a five-course meal of Grand Canyon proportions. With shimmering entertainment, casino style games and straight-shooting cocktails, no-one will want to leave Las Vegas!

Click here to read VIVA LAS VEGAN.

Craft beer Tasting Tour

A superb tasting tour of some of the best brewery taprooms of Bermondsey's beer mile. Your guide will navigate you to four fantastic breweries, each with their own unique take on craft beer.

Click here to read Craft beer Tasting Tour.