In this month's edition, we're looking forward to another typically busy Spring in the property market, alongside the news that first-time buyer activity has hit its highest level for over ten years.
Elsewhere, property investors are remaining unfazed when it comes to investing in the UK, despite the prospect of Brexit and we reveal which perks tenants are happy to pay their landlords a little extra for.
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Spring has always been a popular time of the year for buying and selling properties, with the change from the colder months of winter to the warmer spring temperatures often galvanizing people to make a change. This year is forecast to be no different and spring 2019 is set to be a busy time for estate agents across the UK…
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The number of first-time buyer mortgages has reached its highest level for 13 years, with some 370,000 new first-time buyer mortgages completed in 2018.
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Most of us move homes every 5-10 years but many stay put for decades. If you haven’t moved in a while, switching rooms is a great way to declutter & freshen things up!
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As we’re now finally closing in on 29th March, our scheduled departure date from the European Union, there is anticipation as to what Brexit will look like.
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When it comes to letting a property, most landlords would probably remain quite conservative in terms of perks included with their homes.